What is a Manometer and what is it used for?
A Manometer is a pressure measurement device that can be used with a Permeameter to determine soil permeability.
What does a Manometer measure?
The difference in pressure between two points, or one point and the atmosphere.
What is pore pressure in soils?
The pressure of groundwater within the gaps, or pores, of soil or rock samples.
What is the meaning of negative pore pressure?
When soil voids are filled with air, the pressure reading is zero. When the voids are filled with water, there is negative pressure resulting in increased shear strength.
What is the fluid in a Manometer?
For the Single Tube Manometer, water is used to measure pressure differences. Some Manometers use mercury or other heavy liquids to measure higher pressure differences. When using mercury-based devices, always review local regulatory restrictions.